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 CHRS Will Lend Books For Beginners  

CHRS wants to help anyone who would like to learn how to repair radios. We will have classes as we have done in the past, but not now. What we can do for you now is loan you historic publications to get you started. Tube radio repair has not changed over the years and it’s fun to learn how it’s done. Veteran CHRS Member Paul Bourbin has donated several vintage volumes and CHRS is offering a few. The CHRS lending library would be pleased to have you check out these books and start to learn radio repair. You would need to check out your book from Radio Central. These are publications we can offer:

89F8F06C B627 4Ce6 936A Ee3847D01A9B 730Bb141 B940 4089 Abca 550088B8D709

34743Ccd 6Ff4 4923 B5C7 1B8297Dab43B    C9E1Bedb 27A2 4441 8D3E Bceeac7B8A2E

54Fa2D0F D48B 4200 8C24 D756D0F62410    028B63Ed 89A2 46A5 8529 06521C379Caf

A05C931E 9Efa 4A9A Ae14 0867F8480Fcc

8Eec3A6A 3Fae 4914 Bd6C C5F8F8258371    5D708C0D Df83 453C Acb5 D537C4E46Db6

Fffaf954 80A5 4C35 B0Bc 89294Bb5347A    Ab66C472 F346 42Fe Bc72 6A15511774B6