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CHRS RAISES $13,000!

Thank you to all who helped prepare and to all who attended and supported CHRS at our event March 7th. It really paid off. After a few expenses CHRS netted over $13,000! Not bad far a day’s work. We don’t know of many non profit groups who can decide to hold an auction and flea market and pull it off in a little over a month. CHRS is an exceptional organization and we all should be proud to be members… for several reasons. We bought our own building, we offer a wealth of information about radio and radio history and we are populated by passionate and dedicated volunteers who value our principles and goals for historic preservation. And our members are really nice people!

Now we start preparing for Radio Day By The Bay – LIVE! in Alameda with all your favorite events. Save the date… July 25th, 2015.

Chairman Mike Adams… Auctioneer Extraordinaire!
Happy Flea Market Shoppers and Jetta the Pug Protecting the Cash!


Mike Adams and Dave Billeci documented our event last Saturday. CLICK HERE for the Auction Page full of videos and pictures. Thanks to Mike and Dave.



KPEN Book Cover 3  


The Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame, (BARHOF), a program of the California Historical Radio Society, is pleased to announce the selection of KPEN 101.3 FM, Atherton / San Francisco, as BARHOF Legendary Station for 2015. This is a great story. It’s a story of entrepreneurship, innovation and a passion for radio. KPEN’s history is legendary. It was created by two Stanford students named James Gabbert and Gary Gielow, and started broadcasting in 1957 from a 120 year old adobe hut.

KPEN was a station of innovations and firsts. It was the first station west of the Mississippi to broadcast in Multiplex Stereo, the first FM station in Northern California to broadcast 24 hours a day, the first to limit commercials to 6 per hour; KPEN produced the first Live Stereo remote broadcast. KPEN prided itself on airing fine quality programming with the highest quality FM, then FM Multiplex Stereo signal possible. The gear that generated that signal was constantly tweaked and improved, always making it state-of-the-art for the times. The two kids from Stanford who said, “Let’s build our own radio station” succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and KPEN thrived and grew towards another first. In 1968 the FCC was petitioned to change KPEN’s call sign to KIOI, to be known as K101. Historic KPEN paved the way for the powerhouse K101 would become.

For more information and audio clips from KPEN please visit our Bay Area Radio Museum, (BARM), site at Historic KPEN 101.3 FM proudly joins, KSAN Jive 95, KCBS, KGO, KFRC, KNBR and KSFO as the newest BARHOF Legendary Station.

On Wednesday, June 17th, at 11:30 am, the Bay Area Broadcast Legends will feature the induction of KPEN into BARHOF as the Legendary Station for 2015. Come join the celebration as KPEN founders James Gabbert and Gary Gielow take the stage. Ben Fong-Torres will moderate a discussion about this historical station by the men who created it. The stories Gary and Jim have to tell will be fascinating. Join the Legends as they host the BARHOF Legendary Station induction as part of their Spring Luncheon. Location TBA. Tickets are $47.25 for a great lunch and event. For tickets visit:

Also, a new book, “The Story of KPEN” has been donated to CHRS. “The Story of KPEN” is the definitive book about the history of this pioneering station. Proceeds from “The Story of KPEN” will go to the California Historical Radio Society and its Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame and Bay Area Radio Museum on-line. To order visit:  $23.95 includes shipping.

barhof_logo_square VOTING NOW OPEN FOR THE

It’s that time again to support Bay Area Broadcasting by casting your ballot for the 2015 Class of the Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame. Your favorites are all here with some new additions this year. So please vote and encourage your friends and relatives to vote. Please remember Harvey Stone. He gave CHRS a home for 10 years which directly contributed to our current success.

The voting ends on July 10th and the Class of 2015 Inductees will be announced by Ben Fong-Torres at CHRS Radio Day By The Bay on July 25th at Radio Central in Alameda. One vote per device please. The 2015 BARHOF Class will be celebrated with the Broadcast Legends on Saturday, September 19th at Spenger’s in Berkeley. Be sure to mark your calendar for both events and save these dates:

Wednesday, June 17th – Legendary Station of the Year Celebration.  Location TBA.

Saturday, September 19th – BARHOF Class of 2015 Induction. Location TBA.


And of course, Radio Day By The Bay – LIVE! in Alameda 2015 on July 25th

RADIO CENTRAL UPDATES – Our new back fence is complete. This message came from our neighbor: “Hi Steve, The fence looks really nice. Please tell everyone who worked on it we say thanks. Cara” And CHRS says Thank You to Cliff Farwell, Larry Drees, Butch MacDonald, Hil Hampton, Earl, Scott Harvey, Denis Pinto and others who did a great job on the fence moving and rebuild.

We have received our building permit for the new 12′ x 32′ shed project. Final preparations being made for installation of the compact mobile storage unit. We will be starting the re-shelve the Maxwell Library within a few weeks.

See the latest by Chairman Mike Adams. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUR PROGRESS

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