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Actress Sandra Gould, date unknown.

November 30, 2014

Here’s that rare comedy I promised you recently.  And just in time for Thanksgiving.

As you can see by the label below, this was meant to substitute for The Village Store program.

label for disc "Village Store No. 64, replaced by Fanny Brice"
It turned out to be not just Fanny Brice, but Baby Snooks.

Cartoon image of Fanny Brice as Baby Snooks

And an uncirculated one at that!

(I’m calling it “uncirculated” because there are no encoded versions of it for sale, that “source of sources” Goldin doesn’t list it, and Haendiges has it only in his listings, not for sale).

This is another disc from the collection donated to us by the estate of Arthur Jim Sandler, and like the others, it is in fine condition.  CHRS is thankful that the estate kept this disc in fine shape for you to enjoy today.

Fannie Brice
December 3, 1944

I was surprised at the number of voices in this show that should be familiar to radio fans:

Danny Thomas

Actor Danny Thomas, with a postal cap and cigar, in his role for the Baby Snooks program.
Sandra Gould

Actress Sandra Gould, date unknown.
and Frank Nelson.

Are you thankful to hear a Baby Snooks show that appears to have been unheard by most people in almost 70 years?  Then please consider making a donation to CHRS, in support of the volunteers who got this show to you.

To download this file, click on the picture of Sandra Gould.  (EDIT 12/2/13: This link is now fixed.)

To open this file, type the first letter of the words in the sentence that come after “Then please consider making a donation to CHRS,” above.

Comments (13)

  1. Thanks so much for making the file available — currently the Mediafire link at the Sandra Gould picture is set “to private” and can’t be accessed.

  2. When I click on the picture of Sandra Gould, I get a mediafire page telling me “This file is currently set to private.” Has anybody been able to download it?

    1. Got it! (And while I’m pleased there’s a new Baby Snooks in circulation, I personally wish it really had been an episode of the Village Store. I’ll take Jack and Joan over Fanny any day! Just my personal preference.)

      1. Thank you for confirming the download works, Dr.

        And I, too, would have enjoyed some Joan Davis. Perhaps someone will donate a disc one day.

  3. I apologize for the difficulty with the link. It looks like the file-storage site added a new step to the process, one that I didn’t click on.

    It should download now.

    If someone can leave a comment confirming a download, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for your patience.


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