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News 121206

Rubber stamp style text reading "Fixed!
We have updated two of the download links from earliest days of this blog, so now they can be downloaded problem-free.  They are the shows listed below:


Dinah Shore

Thanks for your patience while we dealt with the hiccups related to our first uploads!
16" disc with question mark on the blank label

Also, I’d like you to know that we have found a couple of shows that will be of interest to just about anyone who likes the star of one of the best-known and most beloved  radio shows of the 1950’s.  It could be the earliest known broadcast by this personality.

I’m reluctant to say more until I do some research verifying the shows, but I was excited enough by this find that I had to let you know that it is coming.

Comments (2)

  1. Hello,

    I have just downloaded ‘Hildergarde 30′ and Dinah Shore 39’. Both are of very good quality for their almost 70 years of age. I can tell you that I am so pleased to have these, which I hope I will enjoy listening to for many years to come.

    Keep up you truly wonderful work. One day, when I finally get to the States, I will make a point of coming to Berkeley to visit you all.

    Very best wishes from a cold wet south of England (U.K.)

    Paul Peters

    1. Thanks for your comment, Paul. I’m glad you liked the Hildegarde and Dinah shows. (It made my hard work worthwhile to hear from you.) Please keep up with our posts, as we have another of at least one of them coming.

      And since I know you like these two personalities, I’ll be sure to ask for some when we get a donor asking after what we might want.

      And yes, do make a visit to our museum; we’ll be pleased to see you. Take careful note of when our “volunteer days” are, as that is when we are open.

      (From the less-wet, west part of Berkeley!)

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