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Photo of old-fashioned newsboy, riding a trolley

February 23, 2014

An update for you, with a few surprises and mysteries among the news, especially for Vic and Sade fans.

Photo of old-fashioned newsboy, riding a trolley

We’ve been working hard packing our many, many broadcasting artifacts.

Here are the discs you’ve been enjoying, being shipped away.

Photo of tall boxes, loaded into trailer, one being taped shut

We’ve had to make storage arrangements, because we don’t have enough money yet to pay for the building.

Your help raising money will bring all this back together with the recording equipment, so you can continue to enjoy the shows we have for you.


And just like in every move, I found a few things:  some radio programs that haven’t been cataloged yet.

So you have got some more shows to look forward to, well-known ones, including “NBC Symphony,” “The Whistler” and a comedy I haven’t been able to confirm yet.

The key to making it all happen is your donation.  Donations will make it possible to hear them again.

black and white photo of two key rings on a desk

What about the challenge?

Here’s a message from the collector:

I found out that over 65 people downloaded the Charlie McCarthy show, so there are enough of you out there who could donate $7.57 each to

  • Make not just a $200 challenge, but $500 challenge
  • Get that show
  • Get more shows after that (see below)
  • Give CHRS a home that we can keep.

I don’t know that any place offers you THAT much for not much more than the price of only one (ONE!) cup of that fancy coffee everyone buys at those places now. 

This is Ace again:

We are still short of the $200 challenge.  You have until the end of this month, until Friday to get those in.  Put the word “downloader” in the message box when you make your donation.

WWII poster of an American flag, above the words "Give It Your Best!"

And that “Vic and Sade” show?

Well, I can tell you now that one side of the disc is the show “Smelly Clark’s Christmas Presents”, which the OTR community says is November 21, 1939.  The disc label, though, says it is November 30, 1938.

Also, the unheard show on the other side is dated November 29, 1938, and it’s first line is:

“Maybe you can help me with this, Sade.”

I will also tell you that the line “‘A frail violet, breathlessly drenched in moonlight'” is spoken during the show.

photo of a violet in a garden

Now the person who runs the website contacted me and volunteered to help identify the show with his collection of scripts.  I’ve asked him to post here.  Perhaps he can tell us:

  • Which date above is correct for “Smelly Clark’s Christmas Presents”
  • If he can help confirm the date of the second show.

But the person who donated the shows is ONLY going to let this rare Vic and Sade get distributed if these challenges can be met.

So you MUST make donations to get this and the other discs.  (And hear just why something as unusual as “a frail violet, breathlessly drenched in moonlight” is being spoken by these people.)

And remember

Put the word “downloader” in the message box.

WWII recruiting poster showing a sailor, an iron worker,and a ranger marching in unison, aboe the words "Together We Win"



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