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Telephoneslide1 We have moved to Radio Central in Alameda CA, and we are building our new facility. RADIO DAY BY THE BAY will continue this year at 2 locations on Central Ave. in Alameda. Flea Market all day at Radio Central, 2152 Central Ave, Auction and entertainment at Kofman Auditorium, a block away at Alameda High School.













Comments (11)

  1. I am asking the board members of our club, The Alabama Historical Radio Society, to
    donate 1000 dollars toward your purchase. I feel sure that the answer will be yes.
    I will be in touch in a few days.

    Dee Haynes

    1. Hello Dee,

      Please convey our sincere thanks to the AHRS for your offer to donate $1000 to CHRS. We think it’s extremely important to preserve radio and radio history and CHRS is so fortunate to be in the perfect place to do this. To purchase this building is to establish a site to celebrate radio in perpetuity. The radio collectors community has shown and continues to show great support for our efforts to buy KRE.

      So again we say Thank You for your pledge and support. And when any AHRS members are on the West Coast, please contact us ahead of time and we will set you up with a great tour of the CHRS Museum.

      Best Regards,
      Steve Kushman, CHRS President

    2. Hello Dee,

      Thanks very much for your generous donation. Although I’m a native Ohioan I do have fond memories of the almost two years I spent at WABB in Moblie. I was the PD for the late Bernie Dittman’s stations in the latter sixties. Truly fell in love with the city and it’s people.

  2. Even if you can’t afford to donate, please spread the word about this… use any of the several social media links above, print out and distribute one or both of the two pdf flyers also available above, email anyone you might think would want to know about this, even write a letter to the editor of any newspaper you happen to read. Thanks!

  3. I doubt I’m the only one who entered a career in broadcasting as a result of growing up with the radio stations in the Bay Area. From being KCSM-TV’s first student cameraman to retiring as the Director of Broadcasting at the American Forces Network IAFN) Broadcast Center) It was the best career I could have ever hoped for. And being asked by Red Blanchard’s daughter to write Red’s Obituary was the greatest honor I’ll ever enjoy.
    I thought of the stations I listened to most as a kid, and decided my first contribution to save the CHRS would be $740 because of the incredible influence Red Blanchard had on my career. But then I thought that’s not enough, so Emperor Gene Nelson got the nod, and I’m proud to have pitched in with $1,260.
    OK, the rest of you…get off your butt and put your money where your heart is, in the memory of those early days of broadcasting in the Bay Area. Russ Hodges, Don Sherwood, Ira Blue and many others are counting on you!!

  4. Where are all those KROW listeners and personalities from the 1950’s? Many of early bay area radio people started there. Phyllis Diller, Rod McCueon, Sherwood, Vernon Alley, Russ Coglin, Don Barksdale, Pat Henry, Dick Whittington; several of those names alone could buy the station for you!

  5. Hi, Guys …I’ve just sent an appeal to the board of the New England Antique Radio Club for a donation. And, I know this sounds dumb, have you gotten any air time on any of the Bay Area stations to plead for your cause? Radio Gets Results.

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