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July 25th, 2015…Save the Date!

Radio Day By The Bay 2015 RADIO V3 jpg

 Click for: The Auction Catalogue

CHRS’ terrific yearly fund raising event is coming up. This is our main source of income for the year so we really need your support.

  • Master of Ceremonies – KCBS Morning News anchor Stan Bunger
  • LIVE Auction – Featuring beautiful antique radios, vintage hi-fi gear, ham gear & other vintage electronics. Our guest auctioneers are Renee Richardson, KFOG Morning Show and Peter Finch.
  • LIVE Studio Orchestra – The Golden Gate Radio Orchestra is a 19-piece re-creation of the versatile radio station or network ‘house orchestra’, featuring radio favorites and standards from the 1920s -1950s.
  • LIVE Radio Play – The CHRS Radio Dog Theater presents “War of the Worlds” LIVE on stage. This 2015 work is based on the 1964 KPEN version. Directed by Terry McGovern with Michael Bennett, Stan Bunger, James Gabbert, Gary Gielow, Steve Kushman, Monterey Morrissey, Celeste Perry, Kevin Radich and Kim Wonderley. Sound design by Bob Brown. Live Sound mix by Dan Healy. Don’t miss this!
  • Huge Electronics Flea Market – Treasures abound! The CHRS Flea Market is legendary for its size and scope of merchandise. Parts, speakers, tubes, complete radios, test gear, books and lots more.This year we will open 1 hour earlier at 8 AM. There is something for everyone! Have stuff to donate? Bring it by Radio Central any Saturday before July 25th.
  • Silent Auction – We will also be featuring a silent auction. We have tickets to sporting events, theater tickets, weekend getaways, wine tasting tours and more. Silent Auction at the Kofman Auditorium.
  • BARHOF Class of 2015 Announced – KOSF’s Celeste Perry & Terry McGovern will announce this year’s class entering the Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame
  • CHRS Volunteer of the Year Announced – Who will it Be? Stay Tuned!
  • CHRS Doggie Diner & CHRS Bake Sale – Hungry? As usual CHRS will offer good food and beverages at the CHRS Doggie Diner. And, great treats from our bake sale. So, love to bake? Get ready to “bake one for the Nipper” and help support CHRS.

RADIO DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! – You all know it takes a small army of volunteers to pull off our events so smoothly. Volunteering is a long day’s work, but very satisfying. Volunteers get preferred parking, free lunch and beverages. Having two venues creates more need for help. If you would like to help PLEASE CLICK HERE. In addition if you volunteered last year we may reach out to you.

AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED NOW! – Now is the time to donate or consign good auction-able items to CHRS and donate items for our Electronics Flea Market. Remember that Radio Day is our main fund raising activity for the year so it’s important to support CHRS on this day with nice auction items for 50/50 consignment or donation. CLICK HERE TO DONATE GEAR  This year we will also be holding a Silent Auction and we could use your donations. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THE SILENT AUCTION


8:00 – 10:00 AM – Radio Central Auction Preview

8:00  3:00 PM – Radio Central – Flea Market, Food, Bake Sale, Silent Auction

9:00 AM – Kofman Auditorium Doors Open

10:00 AM – Welcome Announcements – Auction Segs. 1 & 2

11:45 AM – Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame Class of 2015

12:00 PM – Golden Gate Radio Orchestra

12:45 PM – Volunteer of the Year

12:50 PM  War of the Worlds

1:30 PM – Auction Segs. 3 & 4

3:00 PM – Good Bye!

Faces of Radio Day

Master of Ceremonies Stan Bunger – KCBS Morning News Anchor
Guest Auctioneer Peter Finch – KFOG & KGO
Guest Auctioneer Renee Richardson – KFOG Morning Host
KOSF’s Celeste Perry Announces the BARHOF Class of 2015
LIVE! Radio Concert – The Golden Gate Radio Orchestra
War of the Worlds  flyer
War of the Worlds LIVE! on Stage
War of the Worlds Directed by Terry McGovern

