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Picture of pet store front, with the CHRS logo's "Crossley Pup" in the front window

April 20, 2013

Our collection of electrical transcription discs extends well into the 1950’s, and that’s where we get this next disc.

And, once again cats and kittens, chicks and chickens, CHRS is offering you a free download of some generally-unavailable shows.  This time, they appear to be much earlier than the episodes that are currently in general circulation.

Let’s Go to Town – with Ray Anthony and his Orchestra, and Patti Page

Some will recognize “Corporal Eddie Carter of the National Guard” as actor Mason Adams from many a radio show, including The CBS Radio Mystery Theater, and as the voice of a certain jams and jellies TV commercial.  (When I first heard his voice it was all I could do to stop myself from anticipating, nearly every moment, hearing him about to say “With a naaaame like…”).

label for Let's Go to Town 39

Let’s Go to Town 39

First Song Thunderbird

Goldin dates these programs as 1953.  And anyone who has seen the 1955 film Daddy Long Legs will know the first tune as what Ray Anthony and his Orchestra are playing when they appear in the dance number at the school.

Patti Page, who lived until recently to the age of 86, is featured in these two episodes as well.

 Singer Patti Page, date unknown

Let’s Go to Town 40

First Song Idaho

What puzzles me about these shows is why they had to make the speaking portions of the show sound as if everyone was standing inside a storm drain tunnel.

And of course, could Pattie Page make any appearance back in those days without singing “How Much is That Doggie in the Window?”

 Picture of pet store front, with the CHRS logo's "Crossley Pup"  in the front window

This particular doggie is not for sale, but really needs a donationWon’t you help?

To download the shows, click on the password picture below.

To open this file, use the password indicated in the picture below, using initial caps, and underlines between each word.

two images spelling out "please" and "pledge" Ace Acetate


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