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Chris Chapman At W6Cf 22 Vi 19 Img 2539

| MDARC | Long Wave Radio

FIELD DAY 2019: Chris Chapman, KM6LQR and I operated W6CF (ol’ Chicken Feathers) at RadioCentral for ARRL Field Day. We made some local contacts despite a FIERCE noise level, S9+, so we gave out some points. Thanks to Denny, AE6C, for getting up a working Icom 728 rig, and the vertical antenna. When we closed down Radio central, I went home to give out a few points of my own.  And there came booming in 9A9A, Emil from Croatia on 20 meters. So I called with my 100 watts and a wire, and he came back and we had a nice chat about Croatia. (It helped that he runs a big kilowatt and stacked yagi antennas).  So even at the bottom of the sunspot cycle at the summer solstice, DX is possible.  (de K6VK, Bart Lee)

Radio Day 2019010Web Denny, AE6C, shows progress on the Shack. Our current plans call for a long continuous operating surface that will comprise multiple vintage operating positions. Guest operators will be able to pick the period of equipment they wish to operate and we’ll rotate equipment to keep in fresh and interesting. We will have VHF/UHF too, using modern equipment. Shelves will hold some nice examples of vintage equipment, especially working receivers. Antennas are planned for the roof (wires, J-poles and a small beam) pending city approval. We will be active on all the bands.

The W6CF Shack is designed for socializing and a role in the education of wireless communication history. We seek hams, ham wannabes, shortwave listeners, and interested visitors of any background. W6CF will be a friendly active place in Radio Central. Grab a cup of coffee in the nearby kitchen and flip on a favorite receiver. Stay tuned as we make steady progress on the Shack. Email Denny AE6C for details

Listen to “Bart Lee, Godfather of Ham Radio.” | Read Bart’s Experimenters on a New Amateur Band | View the the ARRL contest calendar | Wayne Overbeck, N6NB, presents a history of Ham Radio technologyHistorical W6CF QSL | VV60R |East Bay Ham Club 3s50s | Ham Radios Best Ad | The Story of 6OR |


The Society of Wireless Pioneers net

Invitation to Join Society of Wireless Pioneers informal (posted CHRS June 30, 2018) Dick Singer, SoWP 662P, writes:

Dick, K6KSG, WSW of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jerry WA5EKG in Houston, TX area and RAJ AG4HR in NC are just having a little chat on 14055 KHz at 1500z every Thursday morning. If anyone who would like to join in and say hello for a little chat please do so. We all are SOWP members and I (Dick K6KSG) have been the net control on 80 meters for about 8 years when I took it over from Bob W6BNB and Ben N6SL. I ran the net until it ran out of member check-ins on 20 meters.

SOWP is a program of CHRS. Bob Rydzewski is organizing and digitizing the SoWP archives

In the video, W6CF on the air for the first time from CHRS Radio Central,  Denny  Monticelli, AE6C, at the key, in QSO with K6KPH, Bolinas/Marshall on the 100th Anniversary of KPH, 26 IV 14, 13:30 +- PDT.

Thanks to the Yasme Foundation for their donations to CHRS in honor of Jim Maxwell and W6CF | The 2003 CHRS Charles Herrold Award for outstanding achievement in the preservation and documentation of early radio was presented to Trudy Maxwell.

Slidew6Cf (photo: Bart Lee, K6VK,  at the desk of W6CF as it was in Berkeley) The CHRS / W6CF amateur radio station now in Alameda CA, was once the very active station of James Maxwell, the West Coast Director of the American Radio Relay League, A.R.R.L.  In honor of Jim’s achievements in amateur radio, and in honor of his memory, Trudy Maxwell bequeathed Jim’s entire station to us, along with his extensive library.

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