DONATIONS OF RADIOS: Do you have a garage full of radios? Consider donating them to CHRS. We are a California non-profit so you may get a tax benefit from your donation. Call (415) 902-6670 or email Jaime Arbona for more information.
ESTATE SALES OF RADIOS: Many of the radios sold at the annual CHRS Auction are from Estates. Handling Estates of Collected Radios is something done very well by the California Historical Radio Society (CHRS). We have helped executors of several such estates realize many thousands of dollars for the heirs to which they are responsible, in the last couple of years alone.
CHRS auctions get the radios into the hands of people who care about them as did the original collector. At the same time, CHRS simplifies Estate Management with a single check and an accounting. CHRS’s modest percentage of the realized revenue goes to its non-profit and public purposes as a radio museum and radio history center, likely already much appreciated by the original collector.
The last two Estates handled by CHRS have raised many dollars for distribution by the executors. CHRS also solicits bequests of radios and any other property to fulfill its public benefit mandate.
Call (415) 902-6670 or email Jaime Arbona if you would like to make a bequest or if you are an estate executor in need of assistance with a collection of radios.