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 “There’s Something Happening Here”…  It’s Big Construction At Radio Central 

Radio Central Today                                                          Radio Central Soon

 This Will Change CHRS Radio Central Forever

And We Want You To Be Part Of It!

OK here is the scoop. We are coming up on 9 years of ownership of 2152 Central Avenue in Alameda. Now known as CHRS Radio Central. In that time we have done a great job as a volunteer organization of restoring and improving many parts of our facility. All work was done up to code and all seismic and ADA standards were followed.

We have been scrimping and saving and now it’s time to face our last hurdles to make Radio Central truly a fully functioning venue for CHRS and the public. The last two related projects are the largest and most expensive we have undertaken. Let’s face it… we are not getting any younger and the price of material and construction keeps going up.

So, get ready for a remodeled and upgraded Great Room and… The restoraion of our 1900 California Mission Revival style facade! Holy Cow! What a big deal. Yes it is and we need your help, please. As with all projects at Radio Central, we have had fund raising campaigns to drive the efforts along. This time we are starting a little late but still need more of the generous donations we have traditionally received from our members and supporters. And more… We are looking at a budget of around $350,000+. Yikes! See why we need you? There are naming possibilities for large donations. Be a part of this one of a kind location and make a generous contribution. Thank you!

What are these projects? Many people have donated but we can use much more. Remember it’s a great project you are helping too fund.

Phase One: Is the Great Room being restored to its original 1900 appearance. New drywall, new efficient windows, (sash sliders and top half rounds), rebuilt wainscoting, replaced moldings & window trims, baseboards, flooring and paint.

Phase Two Is Starting: Includes demolishing the 1950s false flat front of the building. Demolishing the 1950s added entrance doorway structure. Repositioning our ADA entrance door. Restoring all front windows. Rebuilding concrete and brick front stairs. Rebuilding the entrance doorway into the Great Room. Repairing and recreating stucco trim pieces and soffits as needed.


Please Select Facade Restoration Fund. Many people have donated but we can use much more. Remember it’s a great and lasting project that you are helping to fund.