All are invited as we celebrate the Holiday Season in our Alameda home at CHRS Radio Central. Here is what’s happening on Saturday the 12th:
9:00 AM – Set up and prep time
10:00 AM – Board of Directors and Staff Meeting
11:00 AM – General Membership Meeting & 2015 Herrold Award Presented
Hear the latest updates about CHRS, on the progress of Radio Central and other activities. This is your opportunity to speak out and voice your opinions or ask questions of our Directors and Staff. This is your forum and your comments are most welcomed. Also we will present the 2015 “Doc” Herrold Award, “For Outstanding Achievement in the Preservation and Documentation of Early Radio”.
12 PM – Mike Adams’ Special Presentation – “The Radio Boys and Girls”. Chairman Mike speaks about his new book and will autograph copies for sale. All proceeds from books sold at this event benefit CHRS.
1:00 PM – Lunch! – It’s a Pot Luck – Your Favorites Requested
Judy Mears and Bart Lee will be bringing a spiral cut ham. A large green salad is coming from Susan & Denny Monticelli, Janice & Steve Kushman will bring macaroni & cheese and Cynthia Edwards will bring a spinach souffle. The rest is up to you. Please bring your favorite holiday dish to share. We can use more side dishes, appetizers and desserts. CHRS has water, soda and coffee. Please click here and let Judy & Cynthia know what you will be bringing.