IMPORTANT: You will need to register for this event by May 22, 2024 as we’ll need to ship the PCB board and electronics to you. Plus, you’ll need your own soldering station and basic multimeter.
Introduction to DIY – safety considerations, basic electronic parts, soldering techniques, using a multimeter, signal generator, basic scope.

This is an introductory class for those who want to build and experiment with electronic equipment.First you will learn how to identify parts and solder them on a printed circuit board (PCB).

In the supervised soldering practice you will build a kit of a moving-magnet (MM) phono pre-amplifier.
Soldering alone is not enough, because sometimes you encounter problems with your project.
For that reason, you will also learn how to use basic test equipment.
You will learn how to use a multimeter to measure voltages and calculate current using Ohm’s Law.
You will also learn how to use low-cost signal generator and oscilloscope to test audio circuits.
We will hold two additional online Zoom meetings as part of this class.
Zoom meeting#1
Time: Wednesday 5/29/2024 6-8pm
Topics: 20m Ohm’s Law
20m AC vs DC in audio circuits
20m identifying electronic parts
20m using a multimeter
10m using a signal generator
30m using a basic oscilloscope (scope)
We will have a brief summary of these topics in the class on 6/2 but will not have time for a deep dive.
All registered students are expected to attend this Zoom meeting#1.
If you don’t attend this online class then you’ll be expected to study this material on your own!
Zoom meeting#2
Time: Wednesday 6/19/2024 6-8pm
Topics: completing your phono kit.
Instructions how to complete the kit will be given at the class and assistance will be available on a discussion forum.
This meeting gives you an opportunity to diagnose issues with your kit using your camera and a multimeter.
We will demonstrate to students that own a signal generator and scope how to use them for advanced diagnostics.
Zoom meeting links will be included in your event registration confirmation email.
Fees for this class are $70 for members and $80 for non-members which includes shipping costs, the PCB boards and electronics needed to complete the phono stage – really a bargain! Students will need their own soldering station and multimeter.
IMPORTANT: You will need to register for this event by May 22, 2024 as we’ll need to ship the PCB board and electronics to you. Plus, you’ll need your own soldering station and basic multimeter.