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8:00 10:00 am – Auction Preview, Auction paddles for sale

8:00 3:00 pm  – Surplus Event, Doggie Diner, Museum Tours, Museum Store 

9:00 am –  Audience Seating Open, Radio Prize Drawing Tickets Available

10:00 am – Welcome Fanfare – Don Bleu – Auction Segment 1 – Rosie Allen 

11:25 am – Royal Society Jazz Orchestra

12:25 pm – Don Sherwood Award    

12:30 pm – BARHOF Class of 2022 – Ben Fong-Torres & Terry McGovern        

12:45 pm “Dragnet – The Big Bounce” 

1:20 pm – Volunteer of the Year

1:25 pm – Ken Ackerman Mic presentation

1: 35 pm – Radio Prize Drawing

1:45 pm – Founders Award

1:50 pm – Auction Segment  2 – Dan Ashley

2:50 pm Good Bye!                        


 Our Master Of Ceremonies 

Don Bleu BARHOF Class Of 2007

 Auction Information 


Auction Catalog Version 6 Posted!

With Starting Prices

AUCTION NOTES: Some may have noticed that our traditional CHRS auction is changing. For years we would offer gear in almost any condition with lots of projects offered. But things are evolving. Our audience is changing. We have our collectors… not as many… and now we get more of the general public who want a beautiful working set for their homes. So we have have embraced the idea of offering only top quality radios in the auction. We have many desirable collectors sets and many sets with more general appeal. But every one of them has been evaluated, electrically and some cosmetically restored and some have been equipped with an aux input. All have been safety tested. So if there is any question about our start prices, remember much time, effort and materials went into the preparation of these radios and our prices reflect those facts. These are all ready to display, plug & play. Thanks to our fine auction crew, Kent Leech, (data entry & lists) & Walt Hayden, (photography). And a huge thank you to the crew who restored these sets.

  CLICK HERE FOR THE Auction Catalogue V6

REMOTE BIDDING DETAILS: If you want to bid on items in our auction, but can’t be at Radio Central July 23rd, you can CLICK HERE FOR THE ON-LINE BIDDING FORM. Read the simple instructions and fill out all required fields. Be sure to include the Lot Numbers and the highest amount you are willing to bid for that lot. During the live auction, a proxy bidder will bid for you up to your maximum. You will be notified as to the results of your bids. If you are the winning bidder, you must pay by PayPal within 24 hours after the close of auction. If payment is not received within 24 hours, the sale is void. All items to be picked up at CHRS Radio Central in Alameda unless other arrangements are made for shipping at bidder’s expense.  THE FIRM CUT OFF TIME FOR REGISTERING REMOTE BIDS IS 6PM July 22nd. 

 Consignments Wanted! 

 Last Day To Consign Is This Saturday 

Do you have nice radios or other gear that need new homes? Why not consign them to the famous CHRS Radio Day auction?It’s good for all. CHRS will split 50/50% with our consignees. A great way to help CHRS. Our catalog gets lots of publicity and our auctions are quite popular. We are looking for quality items that are in plug & play condition.

CLICK HERE If you want to consign gear to the auction. Be prepared to deliver your items to Radio Central in Alameda by Saturday.

 Our Auctioneers 

Dan Ashley KGO Channel 7 TV  

Rosie Allen BARHOF Class Of 2008  


 Class Of 2022 BARHOF Presenters

(Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame)

Ben Fong-Torres BARHOF Class Of 2010

Terry McGovern BARHOF Class Of 2008

SPREAD THE WORD: WE NEED HELP. We have only days to get the word out about Radio Day to as many people as possible. Some of us are not great at social media…. so, please let as many people know about Radio Day as possible. You can direct people to our web site. Direct people to our email archive. Or CLICK HERE for our downloadable Radio Day poster. Print them and hang them in you neighborhood or place of business. Thanks you! We want many people to know about CHRS and Radio Day. 

 Click Above For PDF Poster

 “Dragnet-The Big Bounce” Director 

Peter Finch BARHOF Class Of 2014  

 Sergeant Jack Friday 

Sam Van Zandt BARHOF Class Of 2014  

 Officer Frank Smith 

Joe Starkey BARHOF Class Of 2009

 Our Musicians 

Don Neely’s Royal Society Jazz Orchestra –
Just In! Don Neely Will Play The Saw! &
The RSJO Horns Will Perform In Dragnet! 

 Waiting For Radio Day 

Be Patient… It’s Coming Soon!

You may notice that our Radio Day poster does not list our customary second location, either the Veterans Auditorium or the Kofman Auditorium. That’s because neither venue is available. But, the show must go on! So this year Radio Day By The Bay will be held on stage under a tent top in our parking lot. Guest parking provided just around the corner in the Alameda High School’s staff parking lot on Walnut St. A very short walk. See the map below. This should be fun!

Where To Park On Radio Day

