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 This Saturday, June 19th – 8AM Setup – 9AM Start 

 Vintage Radio Collector’s Event & Swap Meet  

 Plus HUGE CHRS Surplus Event 

 At Radio Central In Alameda 

The Vintage Radio Swap Meet – A Place To Find Good Radios & See Good Friends

 Join Other Radio Enthusiasts At 2152 Central Avenue

In Alameda For Big Old Time Radio Fun This Saturday.

 This Is Our 1st Collectors Event Since November 2019! 

The vintage radio swap meet has been a CHRS tradition for 47 years. Yikes! Where has the time gone. It’s a tradition to get together and share stories and swap and sell our extra gear. And for buyers it’s a chance to find that special radio or part you have been looking for. We look forward to offering these opportunities to our members and friends. 
8AM Setup 

Seth Arp Listens For The Rumbling Herd Of Radio Collectors Ready To Invade Radio Central. Note All The Cathedrals Being Offered Behind Him.
9AM Event Starts 
The event will start at 9:00 sharp (no early selling) in the parking lot adjacent to CHRS Radio Central. There is free parking in the lot and on the street.We have bathrooms inside. You can also take a tour of the Radio Central museum after the event. Nearby restaurants and coffee shops are walking distance from CHRS so bring a friend or spouse and enjoy a lunch afterwards.
10AM CHRS Gate Opens 

As part of the swap, where members sell their own goods, CHRS will also be offering ham gear, vintage broadcast sets, vintage audio, parts, tubes, consoles, TVs and more. Lots of stuff for lots of interests. We have been accepting donations of gear for a year to keep it from the landfill and now must pass it along to lucky radio collectors. Also included are many items from the Doug Bennett collection. We unexpectedly lost Doug 2 months ago. CHRS wishes to thank Doug’s wife Sandy for generously donating his radios to us, for the continuing support of CHRS.

Many unique items are available. So spread the word… We need donors. Tell your friends to come one, come all. And support CHRS. Yard event closes at 12.

Make A Pile, Make A Donation & Make This Gear Go Home
Something For Everyone!
At our CHRS swap meets there is no sellers fee but donations are always welcomed. Remember these simple rules if you are planning to sell. After the meet… we encourage you to stay and volunteer.



EARLY IN THE MORNING PLEASE RESPECT OUR NEIGHBORS AND BE AS QUIET AS POSSIBLE. We do not want to make a bad impression as everyone in Alameda has been very nice to CHRS.1. There is NO sellers fee… but donations are gladly accepted.
2. Set up no earlier than 8am.
3. Cover your items until 9am.
4. Any pre 9am sales means buyer and seller will be asked to leave.
5. Recurring Sellers: Your Membership must be current.
6. One time only sellers need not be Members.

