Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
At CHRS Radio Central
2152 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA
Ah… Spring is in the air along with ozone and solder. That’s because radio enthusiasts are getting their sets ready to find new owners at our first radio event of 2022. It’s your chance to move along extra gear or find a treasure! The Swap Meet rules are simple:
1. If you sell at all of our meets, your Membership must be
2. One time sellers need not be Members.
3. There is no sellers fee, but donations are gladly and graciously
4. 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Set-Up time – Keep your gear covered
5. 9:00 AM Meet Starts
6. No commerce before 9 AM
It’s the famous CHRS Surplus Electronics Event. This event is for you. We get a ton of gear as donations that we save from the landfill. We use what we can for CHRS and offer the extras to you. Lots of this gear is very usable as is or restorable. Our 40′ container is bulging at the seams with equipment and parts that need new homes.
Electronic Surplus Event 10 AM – 3 PM
Note: Any SOLD stickers attached by buyers before the item is brought forward for check out, will be removed.

From Our Last Surplus Event