Saturday December 9th @ 12:30pm
At CHRS Radio Central
2152 Central Ave. Alameda
General Meeting And Pot Luck Lunch
2023 has flown by and it’s time for us to celebrate the holidays. It’s an annual tradition for us to get together and just have fun with good food and good friends. And we will recognize how lucky and blessed we are. CHRS is very special. And that is due to our volunteers, supporters and followers. They all realize that we have something unique between CHRS, Radio Central and all of our programs. So cook something up, come by December 9th and enjoy our celebration.
Super Volunteers Judy Mears and Betty ‘Cookie Lady’ Cosmos are this years organizers along with E. D. Rachel Lee. The following is from the Party Team:
1. The Holiday Party will be held Saturday, December 9 at about 12:30 pm, after a short CHRS business meeting
2. Members and their spouses and partners are welcome to attend.
3. Please email Judy by Thursday, November 30 about the number of people in your party who will be attending. We need this information for planning purposes.
4. We will arrange for a whole roast turkey and Honey Baked Ham, ,and we are asking for “pot luck” contributions.
5. “Pot luck” items can be appetizers, salads, side dishes, or desserts.
6. Please email Judy by Monday, December 4 with the item that you are planning to bring.
7. Coffee and soft drinks will be provided.
8. We encourage you to bring items that can be eaten either cold or at room temperature. If you want to bring an item to be served hot, please bring the means to keep it hot (crockpot, etc.) Because of space constraints, the kitchen will not be available for cooking.