October 1, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Hello Radio Lovers,
I am pleased to announce that the 18th annual radio swap meet and sale is happening on Saturday, Oct. 1st from 9am to 11:30am at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds front entrance, 900 N. Broadway in Turlock. Radios, Tubes, parts, test equipment, coffee, donuts and fun is on tap. Raffles for nice vintage radios and other stuff!! Come join the CVC for a great time and some great finds. Call Eddie 209-324-3093 with any questions. Remember, no display or sale of items prior to 9am start time.
Stanislaus County Fair Grounds
900 N. Broadway
Turlock, CA
Directions – From the North:
Take Hwy 99 south to Turlock. Exit onto Fulkerth and drive east. Third stop light will be Golden State. Turn right on Golden State, then an immediate right on North Front. Go approximately two blocks and make a right, cross the RR tracks. Turn right on Broadway. Enter through the front gate 900 N. Broadway.
From the South:
Take Hwy 99 north to Turlock. Exit onto Fulkerth and drive east. Third stop light will be Golden State. Turn right on Golden State, then an immediate right on North Front. Go approximately two blocks and make a right, cross the RR tracks. Turn right on Broadway. Enter through the front gate 900 N. Broadway.