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May 18, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
CHRS Annual TV Event is scheduled as follows:
Date:  Saturday, May 18, 2024
Time:  9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Place:  CHRS “Radio Central” 2152 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA
Admission is free; lunch will be provided for a modest price.
Presentations and demos really make the day special, so please step up and make a presentation or prepare a demo if you’ve got some ideas.  We’re a friendly audience eager to learn what you find interesting about the history of TV.  Although the majority of our presentations and demos over the years have been technical, we like to have other kinds of topics as well — stories about manufacturers or the industry in general, stories about networks, working in broadcasting, or any kind of related history.  Tell us what you like to collect and why.  Or enlighten us with some history about TV shows, events, or milestones.  Last year’s lineup of presentations was fantastic — let’s see if we can do the same this year.
Technical demos have been some of the most memorable parts of the event in past years.  If you’ve been working on something special you’d like to show, we’re eager to see it.
We’ll also have some space for you to display any special sets you would like to bring along.  They can be working (we can provide a video feed for working sets) or non-working.
So mark your calendars and plan to be there on May 18.
Let me know if you plan to attend.  If you would like to make a presentation, do a demonstration, or show some sets, let me know so I can begin preparing the day’s schedule.
Feel free to invite others you think may be interested.  We’ve grown beyond the Bay Area, and are open to anyone who is interested in traveling to join us.  Due to many of your efforts, CHRS has become a major player in the pursuit of TV history and preservation and restoration of early TV equipment.  As we continue to gain traction and recognition, it’s natural that our attendance will grow beyond our own neighborhood.
Looking forward to seeing many of you again,
Tom Albrecht
CHRS member
San Jose


Date: May 18, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm