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Project News 20130209

There’s a….

…possible bonus transcription disc (or two) coming your way, but it all depends on some input from our downloaders.  Please stay tuned here for more details.


"Nametag sticker" graphic, with CHRS logo in the corner

I’ve always wanted to have a nickname to use here at this blog, something like Martha Wilkerson did on the “G.I. Jive” show.

But I’m a fella, so the name “G.I. Jill” won’t work.  I’m hoping all of you might come up with one for me.

Can any of you think of a nickname?  Just like Wilkerson,I’d like it to sound snappy , like “Checkpoint Charlie” or something.  It can be anything that would fit what we do here.

I’m open to suggestions, so please leave some in the comments.

Are you…

Transcription disc with question mark on label

holding onto any transcription discs, 16″, yourself, but cannot play them?  Or know someone in that situation?  Would you like to hear those discs? (Or even find out just what they are are, if they don’t have a label?)

Our museum would be happy to accept donations of transcription discs for our holdings.  We can also arrange to return to you a compact disc copy of the encoded content.

Contact us or leave a comment to make arrangements for those discs. (The email address for this project is chrs, period, transcription discs {at} gmail.)

Next week…

Stay tuned for one more show that appears to be uncirculated.  This time, it’s a comedy.


Comments (10)

  1. I’m still not getting notifications of follow ups or new posts. It’s not a big deal, but it leads to delayed responses and kind of ruins my sense of net etiquette.

    1. Aah, good one!

      Thanks for adding another name to the pool from which the winner will be chosen, Chloe.

      1. You’re very welcome, kind sir. My second choice: Chris Talkin (I just like the way it sounds together)

        Keep up the good work. Thanks for all the great sounding (and unique) shows you’ve offered us!


        1. Another good one to add to the list. Thank you, Chloe.

          I encourage everyone reading this to come up with more. There’s still time.

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