Fund Raising
FUND RAISING CONTINUES - We haven't mentioned Fund Raising in awhile, but the truth is our Fund Raising will never end. CHRS did a tremendous job by raising enough money to purchase 2152 Central Avenue. Not many historical radio societies that we…
Museum Update
Bart greets a legend at Radio Central: Mike Adams presents the Radio Boys and Girls at Radio Central: Above, President Steve buys a radio Images below are from April 25, 2015, Our One Year Anniversary Radio Central in 1938,…
Radio Central News
RADIO CENTRAL UPDATES For the latest news (and current photos) on our building remodel, click here For fund raising progress and needs, click here For projects needing volunteers and sponsors, click here THE CHRS 'RADIO CENTRAL' ERA BEGINS Photos Below, the…
Central Av Alameda Video
Here is the latest video update on CHRS progress on our new building:
Video – The Last Days of KRE
Also see the video below about our final radio collector meet at KRE
Living Legends Videos
On this page, interviews by Cheryl Jennings, KGO Anchor, video production by David Billeci. These will be on the CHRS YouTube Page and embedded here as they are completed. Some of this group was taped at KRE in Berkeley at…
2013 Restoration Contest
Learn all about the CHRS 2013 Restoration Contest. 2013 announce 2013 announce_flyer 2013_Restoration_Contest_Entries-1 Contact John Staples for more details
Radio Collector Video Series
The 5-part PBS series from 1985, "Radio Collector" was nominated for a Los Angeles Area Emmy for Best Informational Series. All five parts appear below. For more information contact series producer Mike Adams. What is Radio Collector? Read the story in…
Society of Wireless Pioneers
CLICK HERE FOR ARCHIVES OF SOWP JOURNALS Here are CW net times/frequencies on the web for benefit of CHRS members who enjoy CW. Code speed on all of these nets will be adjusted to accommodate the slowest speed station. Thursdays 8 AM…