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Here is a collection of audio files of CHRS on Bay Area and national radio:

KWMR Interview: Richard Dillman and Mike Adams, the “Radio Boys and Girls,” Mike’s new book: CLICK TO LISTEN

KGO FINCH FILES: The following feature was produced by Peter Finch of KGO Radio 810 AM in San Francisco for the Finch Files. It originally aired Monday February 9th. This feature presented courtesy of KGO radio. CLICK TO LISTEN

The following two features were produced by Jeff Bell of KCBS Radio 740 AM in San Francisco. The spots originally ran on Sunday February 2nd, 2014. These features are presented courtesy of KCBS:

KCBS CHRS MUSEUM STORY: If you grew up in the Bay Area.. you know we have an especially rich history of local radio here. What you might not know is that we also have our very own radio museum. And as KCBS’s Jeff Bell reports…. IT is in need of your help right now… CLICK TO LISTEN

KCBS AND KQW HISTORY: As you may know.. KCBS is the oldest radio station in the world.. and over the past 100-plus years.. many of our broadcasters have become household names. Their stories.. along with those of dozens of other local broadcasting legends… have long been shared through the Bay Area Radio Museum and Hall of Fame. But… as KCBS’s Jeff Bell reports… that could end… without your help. CLICK TO LISTEN

CHARLES HERROLD ON KCBS IN DEPTH: And from 2009, on the 100th anniversary of KCBS, Mike Adams was on KCBS In Depth to talk about the San Jose broadcasts from Charles Herrold’s wireless college. CLICK TO LISTEN