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 The Broadcast Legends 

Now Under The CHRS Umbrella


From Darryl Compton – Broadcast Legends Executive Director:

At its recent meeting the Broadcast Legends board of directors voted, after 35 years, to end the group as an independent organization and continue as part of the California Historical Radio Society (CHRS) and the Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame (BARHOF).

It was a difficult decision to make and one the board didn’t take lightly. In the end, it was decided this is the best way to carry on what the founders created – a social organization for broadcasters – and allow us to continue to live up to our motto:

“To celebrate with colleagues from the years
when broadcasting was fun!”

The original Broadcast Legends (left to right): Verne Paule (inset), Dick Leonard, John Holmgren, Don Mozley, Fred Goerner, Chet Casselman, Rich McGlinchey, George Ruge, Rod Sherry, Ed Brady, Ken Ackerman,Bill Hillman, Paul West, and Knowles Robertson (inset).

From Steve Kushman – CHRS Director:

Change… A part of life that sometimes, challenges us to embrace it and make it part of who we are. In some cases, such as this one, the change can be seamless and natural. Darryl Compton and Peter Cleaveland have been masterfully managing the Legends for many years. Now it’s time to take a break… and leave the legends in good hands. CHRS is so pleased to have the Bay Area Broadcast Legends become a Program of CHRS. The Legends will join our other Programs, the Bay Area Radio Museum, (online), The Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame and the Society Of Wireless Pioneers. Welcoming the Legends just makes CHRS more deeply rooted in broadcasting, radios and communication.

And to our new members; Welcome to CHRS! Your automatic CHRS membership includes, 2 beautiful CHRS full color Journals per year, full access to CHRS Radio Central and its Museum, to the comprehensive world class Mike Adams Communications research Library, to the CHRS electronic and wood shops, W6CF amateur station, our 1958 operating radio control room and audio transfer facility.

Plus… Those great social events the Legends are famous for. We will have our 4 main Legends events. Beginning next March with our popular Women In Broadcasting event, then it’s Legendary Station for the year, the BARHOF Induction event and a huge Holiday bash. And of course Radio Day By The Bay, Speaker of the month and more.

And finally, Thank you very much to Darryl and Peter for laying the groundwork for this smooth transition of the Legends into CHRS. And, for the many years of hard work for the Legends. It means a lot to CHRS to have your trust and support. CHRS will strive to keep the Legends engaged and well supported for our broadcasting future.

Comments (2)

  1. Hi, Colleagues – I am a Broadcast Legends member – as was my mom, Gloria Senior, a broadcaster from the 1940s through the 1960s. I am head of The Commonwealth Club in SF. Congratulations on the merger of the Broadcast Legends with BARHOF! The Commonwealth Club produces and distributes the longest-running radio program in the US, and we are currently celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the program. There is a lot of interesting history, and we are currently carried on 230 stations across the country. Our radio production team has gathered historical material, and I am wondering if you might like to focus in some way on this oldest-in-the-nation broadcast during our centennial year. It is a “broadcast legend” in its own right! A little bit of background is here – Please let me know if you would like us to put together a program for you or otherwise collaborate. Warm wishes, Gloria C.Duffy

    1. Hi, Gloria: I just read your post and thought this would be a wonderful opportunity for CHRS to get involved. If you’ve been to our museum (Radio Central as we call it), you know we have a fully functional Radio broadcasting studio. If not, come on by soon for a free tour and an opportunity to meet with me and our Executive Director, Rachel Lee. You can either contact me at [email protected] or call/text me at (510) 529-1297 I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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