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1920s On Display… 

 Designed and Built By

Peter Fraser and Steve Kushman

Peter Fraser With Our New CHRS 1920s Exhibit,
Enters the Home” 1920-1929. Featuring Hands On
Displays – Guests Can Tune A Working 1924 “3 Dialer” TRF,
and do a live listening comparison of nine
1920s Speakers & Horns.  

Sets include everything from a tiny Crosley Pup to a
massive Victor Radio-Electrola, And More.
See It At CHRS Radio Central.

Comments (7)

  1. I LIKE it! Good placement in a room with the arched windows. A good bit of information but not overwhelming for the visitor that has time to linger. At some point it would be more than great to have your website with a section of pages linked to QR codes on exhibit artifacts or displays. The docents on duty cannot remember everything relevant to particular artifacts. Would be great to point your phone at a code and get info you could save for review at their leisure.
    I am ignorant of web page authoring tools these days…. My 20 year old web pages are now frozen (but still viewable) because the authoring tools have been abandoned by my website host. My only alternative is to completely rebuild my site! At 78, it may be too much….
    The old tools could reside only on one machine. Are there affordable tools for a club that would permit multiple users to build pages on a site with some sort of moderator approval?

    1. Just to clarify…

      We are going to implement QR codes onsite as part of the exhibits so that the visitors can look later for the details of what they saw. There’s a good bit of content, and most people will not have the time to read it all when visiting.

      Additionally, we will house good photos/videos of the various parts of the exhibit online, for people to experience it virtually.

      We will build the site via the existing support person, and although it might not be backwards-compatible 15 years like a few people want, it will also not have a bunch of fancy stuff to confuse older hardware software and/or people.

  2. Heavens to Betsy, Robert! CHRS has a mound of difficulty getting just one web page to work. Multiple web builders would produce chaos in un-imagined proportions. I propose that any such new web page be first vetted and corrected on an alternate private website before being added to the CHRS website. And best left to Steve alone.

    1. Not applicable. The website is, and will remain, under the sole control of the club. Changes and additions are implemented (after approval) by the club’s website professional.

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