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 The Radio Historian’s 2024 Calendar

 Is Available Now 

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This is to advise you that the Radio Historian’s 2024 calendar is now available for immediate delivery.

This is the tenth annual printing of the Radio Historian’s calendar.  As in the past, this year’s calendar features fourteen high-resolution colorized photographs from radio broadcasting’s glorious 100+ year history.  Each image originated as an original black and white glossy photograph, and has been digitally remastered and colorized to replicate the original scene as accurately as possible.  Two pages of text at the end of the calendar describe the history of each scene.  Additionally, each month’s calendar page commemorates important dates in radio history.

This year’s calendar would look great on your office wall, and also makes an excellent Christmas gift for your radio friends.

Here are this year’s featured photographs:

COVER:     Jack Warner broadcasts from the San Francisco waterfront for NBC, 1950’s.
JANUARY:     Studios of KECA in Los Angeles, with Louella Parsons and Marvin Miller, 1946.
FEBRUARY:     The studio of WHBY in Appleton, Wisconsin, 1950’s.
MARCH:    Norman Paige broadcasts a news report over General Electric shortwave station KGEI, 1939.
APRIL:     Graham McNamee broadcasts a World Series game over WEAF in New York City, 1924.
MAY:    One of the new studios of KOMO in Seattle, 1948.
JUNE:    Herb Jepko broadcasts his “Nightcap” program from KSL in Salt Lake City, 1971.
JULY:    WMAQ’s transmitter building and towers near Chicago, 1928.
AUGUST:    NBC broadcasts the 35th Amateur Golf Championship from Chicago, 1931.
SEPTEMBER:    The two powerful shortwave transmitters of WGEO and WGEA in Schenectady, NY, 1943.
OCTOBER:    Picking up the broadcast of a studio orchestra with just a single microphone, 1933.
NOVEMBER:    The creation of live sound effects for an NBC dramatic program, 1938.
DECEMBER:    Three boys “listening in” to a radio broadcasts with an RCA Aeriola Jr. receiver, about 1923.
BACK COVER:    John Shepard III, founder of New England’s Yankee Network, in the studios of WNAC in Boston, 1920’s.

You will find more information and can preview some of the interior pages by visiting my web site:

This year’s calendar price is unchanged – $21.95, postage prepaid to anywhere in the USA.  (Additional mailing costs will be charged for shipment to other countries.) This is a specialty collector’s calendar, so quantities are limited – order now to not be left out.  Please allow up to two weeks for delivery.

1. To make your payment on the Radio Historian’s web site:

• Go to:
• Click “Add To Cart” under the 2024 calendar info.
• Indicate desired quantity
• Select either “Checkout with Paypal”, or “Without a Paypal Account”
• Enter Account or credit card information
• Click “Pay Now”

2.  Or mail a check to:

John F. Schneider & Assoc., LLC
1662 Jersey Street
Quincy IL 62301
(Be sure to indicate the quantity desired and your mailing address)

Thank you so much for your past interest in my radio history calendars!   I hope you enjoy this year’s edition.

John Schneider  W9FGH
[email protected]