Encinal High Celebrates At Radio Central
Thanks To Felicia Vargas

And From Our Friend Felicia Vargas:
On February 12th and 13th, students from Encinal Jr. Sr. High’s Radio Broadcast Journalism Pathway visited the California Historical Radio Society’s Museum. CHRS’s Executive Director Rachel Lee and Director Steve Kushman coordinated two back-to-back visits by students to coincide with World Radio Day. An entire crew of CHRS volunteers showed up to to give students a fascinating exploration of radio communications history.
During the visit, students explored antique radios and museum artifacts that show the evolution of wireless technology throughout American history. Hands-on exhibits allowed students to operate morse code telegraph keys and make outgoing calls on the working 1900 telephone. A highlight of the trip for the students was getting time to record short, original radio dramas in the CHRS studio, reminiscent of radio’s golden age. Students received coaching from two special guest radio personalities – none other than Stan Bunger of KCBS and John Evans of KFRC and KCBS.
Stan Bunger * Monday Host John Evans * Tuesday Host
The Encinal broadcasting students are led by former broadcaster-turned teacher Kevin Gorham who shared the airwaves with John Evans and Don Bleu among other BARHOF veterans. Kevin expressed his deep appreciation to the entire CHRS team who made these field trips possible and for inspiring his students to further explore the world of broadcasting. CHRS members and all radio listeners are encouraged to hear the young broadcasters by tuning into Encinal High’s LP FM radio station –KJTZ—via the livestream at www.encinalradio.com Note: Students broadcast weekdays between 7 am – 11 am during the school year with the exception of school holidays.
Felicia R. Vargas
CTE Pathway Specialist
Alameda Unified School District
Thank you to Dave Billeci.