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 Journal Stuffing Party At Radio Central 

 With Radio Hall Of Fame Guests 

Recently Our Guest Stampers And Stuffers Included Sam Van Zandt, (BARHOF 2014) & Hoyt Smith, (BARHOF 2016). Along With Chairman Mike Adams, Walt Hayden and Secretary/Director Jaime Arbona, We Readied The Journal For Mailing And… It Has Been Mailed! Thanks Jaime.

This Edition suffers from the World situation and supply chai problems. Therefore this Journal is printed on thinner paper. Our next Edition should be back on our heavier stock. Thanks for understanding.

CHRS Director & Journal Editor Richard Watts has assembled another terrific Journal. It’s full of great articles and information. The CHRS Journal is one of those publications that you will read, enjoy, file away, and read and enjoy it again later. These great Journals are sent to current members only. If your 2022 membership is paid, you need do anything. Your Journal will be snail mailed to you. Not a member? Want a fabulous Journal? CLICK HERE TO JOIN OR  RENEW and you will receive 2 editions per year. Only $30 a year to become part of one of the finest vintage radio organizations in the world. Do it Now!

NOTE: Every December 31st, all CHRS Yearly Memberships expired, unless you’re paid ahead or are a Life Member. Sometimes we need a reminder to pay our yearly dues. It’s only $30 per year. Your membership includes: Voting privileges for the Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame, Access to the Members Profile page, free posting of ads on our Class Ads page, access to the Radio Central electronics repair shop & Communications Library, ability to consign items to our auctions AND 2 terrific Journals! Your Membership is important to us. Please renew now! … And don’t forget your tax deductible donations. Thank You!

ANOTHER NOTE: This Journal mailing will include a Member survey. The purpose of this survey is to create a list, only accessible by current Members, displaying Members collecting interests and contact information. Fill it out and get the info back to CHRS Secretary Jaime Arbona.