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Happy Holidays from CHRS

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Our Holiday Social Was a Big Success

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We had a great time at our Holiday Social and General Meeting December 12th. Attendance was good, the food was tasty and the company was fine. Thanks to all who participated and donated goodies. A special thanks goes out to CHRS Super Volunteer Cynthia Edwards for her organization and presentation of the many food donations. With help from Judy Mears, these two volunteers really made sure we had a nicely presented lunch. Thank You! Our general meeting went very well and we took in many good and productive suggestions from the Membership about ideas for future projects at Radio Central. Our Treasurer Richard Watts reported that we are in pretty good shape now with regard to funds and membership, but both of these need to increase. We are in a constant process of fund raising at CHRS. And this must continue for our long term existence.DONATE HERE

2015 ‘Doc’ Herrold Award

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Also at our Meeting, CHRS Member David Vasquez was presented with this year’s Herrold Award. David has been managing our Electrical Transcription Project. He has been selecting, digitizing, cleaning up and posting ETs that are not available on the web. David specializes in ETs that have local Bay Area interest. Also David has been giving presentations for CHRS about the ET Project to senior centers. Congratulations to David for this well deserved honor. CLICK HERE FOR THE CHRS ET PROJECT

Our Chairman Presents

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    Chairman Mike Adams gave a wonderful talk at the social about his new book, “The Radio Boys and Girls”. Mike also autographed copies for sale at the event. We sold almost 20 copies and all proceeds from books sold at this event were donated by Mike to CHRS. Thank you Mr. Chairman! Dave Billeci recorded Mike’s talk and posted it on our CHRS YouTube channel. Thanks Dave! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO

Important Year End Donation News

From CHRS Director Tom Bonomo. Just passed this week by Congress: 9691D3Ed 59C4 4F84 Ba63 F3E0B3Bd8118 C972A2Ae E756 4Dc9 B083 183D0Db379C2

So, there you have it. Now is the time to donate heavily to our Favorite Vintage Radio Society. Thanks for the information Tom!

Bart Lee’s Radio History

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Marconi-Man!!  This is a revised English Christmas Season poster or advertisement from the maybe early 1930s.  The Marconi Company made a lot of consumer radios in those days in U.K. The English collectors magazine Radiophile offered a revised image on a poster maybe 20 years ago. (Radiophile, alas, is now defunct — it presented very interesting and useful information). This image is derived from that latter one. Seasons’ Greetings! Bart (de K6VK) ##

Living History Series: Bruno Zucconi

Bruno Zucconi is a 93 year old San Francisco radio pioneer. Last weekend, in the Radio Central, Maxwell Library, Bruno was interviewed by Bart Lee and was recorded and posted on the CHRS YouTube channel by Dave Billeci. Thanks to Bruno, his wife Connie, Bart and Dave. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ZUCCONI INTERVIEW

CHRS Receives Bill Graham Memorial Foundation Grant Dbcbb3F2 C060 469C B67D C69734222E45

CHRS recently received a $2,000 grant from the Bill Graham Memorial Foundation. We wish to thank the Foundation and Executive Director Bonnie Simmons, (BARHOF Class of 2010), for her help with this grant. The funds will be used for the production of our documentary, “KSAN Jive 95: The Movie”. You to can help fund our movie: CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THE KSAN MOVIE

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Renew Your CHRS Membership and Donate Now! Current & New Members to Receive Great New Fall Journal

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RENEW NOW! – The Journals have been mailed. Didn’t get one? Then you need to renew…now. It’s that time of year when we remind you that 2016 is right around the corner and CHRS Wants You! Dues are only $30 for the year. Our CHRS Members and volunteers are the backbone of this organization. We have close to 400 Members who realize by keeping their Membership current, they are supporting one of the most active and diverse vintage radio societies in the country. Some may forget what CHRS is all about. PLEASE CLICK HERE to see our new updated CHRS ‘ABOUT’ page. Check out the long list of projects and activities that CHRS has or will have to offer. Right now if your Membership is current you should have received another beautiful full color Journal, skillfully edited by Richard Watts. This one as usual is packed full of terrific articles and photos. Don’t miss it. Along with the Journal were your paper renewal forms. Fill them out and return with your dues and a nice large donation as CHRS cannot exist on dues alone. Not a current Member? Want to have this fine Journal and 2 more next year? 
DONATE NOW! – As year end approaches we should think of CHRS for larger donations to support important projects which are rapidly approaching. Our shop project is one of the most important projects at Radio Central. It will be fabulous and spacious, well lit, four benches equipped with fresh test equipment donations, new resilient floor, new walls, 16 new top quality parts cabinets, racks galore, vintage test equipment display, etc.  And oh by the way we will be leveraging this project to seismically beef up the structure and build ADA compatible bathrooms too. This will not be cheap but well worth the expense. These improvements will allow us to make great strides in making Radio Central much more functional. Please select ‘The General Construction Fund’ to donate to the shop project. We have updated our main donation page with explanations of our available funds. Remember we are a 501( c )(3) educational non profit and your donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your continuing support!

Radio Central Updates

ELECTRICAL FINAL INSPECTION – We passed the final electrical inspection on our new woodworking shop with flying colors. Yea! Thanks go out to 2015 Volunteer of the Year Kevin Payne for continuing to upgrade and install first rate electrical systems at Radio Central. W6CF WINDOW INSTALLED – The last of our new Marvin basement windows has been installed in our W6CF ham shack. Having these four new windows installed in our basement is really a big accomplishment. These upgraded windows give us great protection and thermal efficiency. The installation crew was our other 2015 Volunteer of the Year Cliff Farwell and former Volunteers of the Year, Robert Swart and Larry Drees, with help from Denis Pinto. They did a very professional job. Thank you men! And thanks also to Philip Monego for his $5,000 donation toward these windows.

E73F1974 81Ab 4C1E 9Cd5 7Ab4C10Cf2C2 Cliff Farwell and Denis Pinto Place the New Window in W6CF Ham Shack 57A7Df3B 527A 495E Bfc1 4E0B06C37Da1 Three of our Four New Basement Windows in Place

Join the CHRS Member Profiles Page  

This new Member’s Only feature, our Member Profile page is now active. Here is where you will be able to list your contact information, your radio interests and repair or restoration services you can offer. Just go to our great CHRS web site and use the MEMBER PROFILES pull down tab under CONTACT. This will take you to a Password Protected sign in page. Just type in your Password and you are in. Only CURRENT CHRS Members will receive the password. If your CHRS Membership is up to date, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO OBTAIN THE PASSWORD. The listing process in not totally automatic. So, check back later to view your profile. We hope this new service will be useful.

Radio World Article About CHRS by Jennifer Waits

Our radio pal and supporter Jennifer Waits has written a really nice article for Radio World about CHRS and Radio Central. Thank You Jennifer!


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