SUBMISSIONS WANTED – Our new CHRS web site is up and running well. We are still making slight adjustments. If you see some area that needs improvement, please let us know. We want to post your restoration tips & articles and completed restoration projects on our site. If you have material you want to share, please email DirectorTom Bonomo. AND – We are also looking for material for The CHRS Journal… Yes, we hope to be mailing you a brand new CHRS Journal in the first week of April. Thanks to that marvel of modern man, Richard Watts. Richard has agreed to serve as temporary editor until a permanent editor steps forward. We are trying for two issues this year. So, if you have articles ready to go, we need them by March 1st. Submissions after that time will be used in the next issue. Please send your material to Richard Watts.
Some sad news… We are very saddened to report that CHRS Life Member and friend of many, Jerry Cantou passed away unexpectedly yesterday. A long time radio enthusiast, Jerry was very active in CHRS and the Southern California Antique Radio Society, SCARS. For those of us who knew Jerry, we knew that under that gruff exterior was a generous and big hearted man. Although we didn’t always see eye to eye, Jerry was one of our best volunteers who tirelessly donated hundreds of hours of his time to CHRS. We will miss you Jerry. Rest in Peace…
RIP Jerry